No more ticket requests will be actioned after Friday the 24th of January 2025.
If you have received a ticket number but not yet paid, please do so. Any ticket numbers not paid for by Friday the 31st of January 2025 will be cancelled. Thank you all.
The rally will be held on Saturday the 8th of February 2025.
Please email stating how many tickets you require and give the full names of the people requiring tickets in that email.
You will then be sent your ticket allocation number/s by return email. In order for you to make payment for your ticket/s you will be sent payment details in the same email. PLEASE BEAR WITH US, YOU WILL RECEIVE A RESPONSE, ONLY ONE PERSON ALLOCATING TICKET NUMBERS WHO WORKS FULL TIME, THANK YOU
When you make your direct bank transfer payment it is vital you quote your allocated ticket numbers on that bank payment as the reference.
The price is £30/ticket.
Thank you all for keeping the historic Dragon Rally going.
***This is a motorcycle rally only**